
*New* Nrich

There are a number of different games and puzzles to play covering all the maths topics you have covered in Year 1 and 2.


Please email your teacher if you can not remember your username and password. Your teacher will have set you tasks. Go through the lesson and then take the quiz. If you are struggling, go through the lesson again and then have another go at the quiz.

BBC Bitesize
Pick a subject area, watch the video and have a go at the activities

BBC Numberblocks

Aimed at KS1: Sing along and learn all about numbers with the Numberblocks!

BBC Counting

Counting songs that include numbers up to 10

Times Tables

Select one of the times tables you wish to practise from and show what you can do on the speed test

Maths Games

There are lots of interactive games and activities to choose from

Interactive Resources

You can search for games by topic or name and we will keep updating the Jersey Class folder for everyone to use.

Username: brecknock

Password: brecknock

Practical Maths at home

  • Time – reading the clock – adding and taking away time – how long until…how long since…
  • Measuring – kitchen maths – baking and mixing items – using jugs and scales to measure and read scales.
  • Fractions – finding half, quarter etc. – cutting up food, dividing out amounts of things
  • Money – playing shop and counting money

Parents Evening Maths Resources