
Science Week Winners VIP visit to London Zoo!

Our three KS1 and KS2 science week competition winners finally got their prize today, a fantastic VIP tour and meet the animals experience at London Zoo.

After a yummy hot chocolate with marhsmallows in Regent’s Park, Tomor (1T), Rowda (4M) and Kenza (5M) were met by their very own London Zoo tour guide. They were immediately escroted to Penguin Beach where they had the opportunity to meet and touch some of the penguins (including Ricky the Rockhopper!).

“My favourite part was going to see the penguins, and touching them! They felt so sofy and fluffy” – Rowda (4M)

“I loved it when Ricky the Rockhopper pecked my trousers, I think he was trying to clean them!” – Tomor (1T)

“I learned that the penguins didn’t want to bite, they were just using their beaks to see who we were and what we’re made of!” – Kenza (5M)

The children were then shown what will become the new Asiatic Lion territory (opening Spring 2016), and found out that there are only 400 of these lions left in the wild.

After that they had time to see many of the new babies at London Zoo, including the baby gorilla, the baby mangabey monkey called Delilah (our personal favourite!) and the tiger cubs, which are now over a year old and not really cubs at all anymore! One of the male cubs is bigger than his mum already!

We had lunch, followed by ice lollies, then we nipped through ‘Butterfly Paradise’, ‘BUGs’, ‘Reptiles’ and the Aquarium. We met a famous Komodo Dragon who starred in the james Bond film ‘Sky Fall’ and found out that some of Harry Potter was filmed in the reptile area!

Finally, we hopped on the bus back to school, feeling super duper happy with our day! 🙂