
School Journey 2015 – Day 4

What a fantastic day today has been. We woke up to blue skies which made a great change from yesterday’s rain. After breakfast – sausages and spaghetti hoops – we were all raring to go. Groups swapped and did what they hadn’t done yesterday which meant John and Henry’s group went off to the Survival Challenge. Special mentions go to Ruben, again showing great team leadership skills and Patrick who showed an aptitude for design.

While they were in the forest ‘surviving’ Don and Monica’s group were tackling the ‘Climbing Wall’ and ‘Thunderstack’ (this was an activity where the children are harnessed up and have to build and balance on a tower of crates to see if they can get to the limit of 12 crates – lots of fun and a bit scary too!). The children were amazing, everyone pushing themselves to go higher and further than they originally wanted to.

Special mentions must go to George for amazing ‘belaying’ – that’s pulling the ropes for his teammates to be able to climb safely, Morgan for persevering despite his fear of heights and go far up the wall, Zakariye for pushing himself and Jennifer for making it to the top and showing the best example of abseiling down Don has seen in all his years on school journey. Sara also deserves special mention for not only persevering despite her fear of heights to get to 8 crates high, but staying up there and helping her partner make it to 12 crates – true grit and determination. Vanessa was also incredible for her encouragement of her teammates to keep them going up the climbing wall.

After lunch the fun continued with Monica and Don’s groups doing orienteering. Rain and Emily deserve special recognition for keeping going after the activity had finished as they were determined to find all the code posts. After they were all finished it was time for ‘Muddy Puddle Challenge’, which everyone took to with gusto – a big change from the bunch of children that didn’t want to get muddy on Monday! Chloe showed a particular flair for face painting with mud while Hamid impressed with his slide and fall right in the middle of the biggest puddle!

Meanwhile, John and Henry’s group tackled the Low Ropes and Tyre Course. Ruben discovered a huge toad hiding in one of the tyres! Special mention to Mia who managed to keep smiling even after a dip in the swamp! Lou Lou was also outstanding on the tyre course while Mary shone on the low ropes.

Campfire and Night Walk has everyone excited for tonight. We can’t believe it’s the last night already. Everyone is looking forward to getting back to their families but has really pushed themselves this week outside their usual comfort zone and to all you families for being brave enough to let them go for the week, thank you. Well done to everyone.