
The Leopard’s Drum

Reception have started their new topic ‘Animals’ and have been enjoying ‘The Leopard’s Drum’, a tale from West Africa. Osebo, the leopard, has a magnificent drum, but he won’t let anyone else have it – not even Nyame the Sky-God. So Nyame offers a big reward to the animal who will bring him the drum.

Reception have been making their own drums and exploring the sound of them. They have also been dressing up as animals, making their own props and using them when acting out the story. 

Here are some of the things they have said:

Nourelhouda: “We are going to play the drum and make a bang noise today!”

Faisa: “African drum. I am tapping it with my hands, doing the beat.”

Charlotte: “I made a tiger bracelet and then I wrapped a tiger skin on me. I look like a tiger!”