
The FA Cup comes to Brecknock!

On Tuesday we had a very special guest—the FA Cup (oh, and Adam the schools liaison officer from Arsenal!). There was a lot of excitement among the children (and many of the staff too!). We must say a huge thank you to Adam and Arsenal for bringing it in. This year Arsenal have been brilliant to Brecknock: Year 2 visited the stadium as part of their buildings topic; Years 2,3 and 4 attended a multi-sports morning at the market road pitches with Arsenal coaches; Year 6 played on the new 4G pitches by the stadium and used the classrooms their last week; and every holiday this year we have sent 10 children to the Arsenal Double Club holiday provision. We’re very lucky to have such a supportive local club. We look forward to continuing to work with them next year. We already have next years year 4 and 5 booked to work with some  football coaches in school every week during the Autumn term.