
Send My Friend To School Campaign

The Brecknock Ambassadors are joining thousands of other schools in speaking up for every child’s right to go to school in 2015. They want to remind world leaders of their promise that all children should get the chance to go to school. They are taking part in the Send my Friend to School Campaign which is part of a huge global movement called the Global Campaign for Education. The national day of action is on the 26th June.

The Ambassadors recently met and thought up actions they would like to take in the lead up to this important event. The actions they thought up included: Exploring the issues, finding out what world leaders need to do in 2015, creating their own 3D world leaders, inviting their MP to school, leading an assembly, designing posters, bags and banners and making a video to share with the school and put on the website.

They started by designing a new canvas bag logo. First they discussed and drew their designs on paper. Then they carefully copied the designs onto the bags. Lastly they used fabric pens to colour them in. Have a look at the photos below to see some of their creations.

They will continue to work on their actions over the next few weeks and they look forward to sharing what they have been doing with all of you.