
School Journey- Day 1

After a slightly delayed start, Brecknock were on the road to Margaret McMillan House, ready for an action packed week of fun and games! We made good time on the journey and soon arrived full of excitement. Following a quick tour and some sarnies and crisps for lunch, we were ready to attack the afternoon.
The first activity was the intrepid zip line. The children had to climb high up into the trees before speeding down to whooping and cheering. And what a confident and brave group – all had a go (including a screaming Laura!) There was also archery, the ‘blind line’ (guiding a blind-folded partner along a course with trees, tunnels and netting impeding their way) as well as football and games on the field. Some even managed to fit in a wobble on the balancing bridge.
Following a hearty dinner, all children were given time to unpack. They are currently in their PJs enjoying games of Monopoly and Twister in the common room. I’m sure (hope!) they will sleep well!

More pictures to follow when the internet is better!