Home Learning

Don’s Group – Homework – due back 7th October

Problem 1:

At a cinema a child’s ticket costs £4.20 and an adult’s ticket costs £7.70. When a group of adults and children went to see a film, the total cost was £C, where C is a whole number greater than 90 and less than 96.

What is the value of C—the total cost of the cinema visit?


Problem 2:

Can you put the numbers 1 to 8 into the circles so that the four calculations are correct?

problem 2


Problem 3:

I cycle to school and home every day.  IMy journey to school is 5.2km from my house.  A school year has 190 days. I went home for lunch on a 1./5 of those days. How far do I cycle in a school year?


Problem 4:

What is the sum of all the prime numbers greater than 40 but less than 60?


Problem 5:

6 ‘bits’ is the same as 11 ‘pieces’. 2 ‘pieces’ is the same as 5 ‘parts’. How many ‘parts’ is 24 ‘bits’ worth?