
Naughty Bus

On our first day back at Nursery a very strange thing happened at lunch time…… we opened the pot of rice pudding to find a bus right in the middle of the pudding.  Some of us weren’t sure how it got there, some of us thought it drove in there, some thought the chef put it there.

The next day we were sitting on the carpet when Rusty told us he had seen the bus in the pond on his way to school.  We rushed outside to have a look, and there,nestled between the rocks and pond weed, was the bus.  Many of us were worried about the people inside the bus.  We were also a bit worried that the fish might eat the bus.

Today we were given a very special present wrapped up in purple tissue paper.  We shook the box and felt it to try and guess what was inside.  When we opened the box guess what we found?  We found the red bus!

After finding the bus we read the first half of a story called ‘The Naughty Bus’.  We did not read the whole story but were left on a cliff hanger.  The bus had been looking at it’s reflection in the pond and had got too close and fallen in.

I wonder what happens next…..