
Fish Dissection

Some of the Nursery children had great fun examining and then dissecting some real herrings.  First we carefully inspected all the different parts we could see on the outside of the fish.  We looked inside the mouth, peered inside the gills, extended the fins and found lots of shiny scales.  Afterwards we cut open the fish to find out what was inside.  We managed to find the heart, the intestines, the liver and the eyeballs!

“It has a tongue the fish, a little tongue.  The scale is very slippery”, Anis said.

“It can swim”, Polat said flipping the fin from side to side, “and it got blood”.

“It’s to push the water behind him to go at the front”, Arturo said explaining how the fish uses its fins to swim.

“I think this is a flying fish ‘cos it have wing”, Donart said, “It feel slippery”.

“It’s the heart”, Abdoul said.

“It feels like flowers”, Amira said touching the gills.